Contact : pierre.francus [at] (pierre[dot]francus[at]ete[dot]inrs[dot]ca)
Ph. : 418-654-3780
Fax : 418-654-2600
Centre Eau Terre Environnement
490, rue de la Couronne
Québec, QC
G1K 9A9
The GIRAS laboratory is structured around the ITRAX Core Scanner, a non-destructive tool for radiography and very high resolution X-ray microfluorescence (100 μm) chemical analysis of rocks and sediments.
Traditionally, the acquisition of solid phase geochemical data is time consuming and requires the use of sediments from the sample. The ITRAX Core Scanner allows the acquisition of geochemical data and high-resolution radiographs from marine or lake sediments without loss or destruction of the material to be analyzed. This instrument performs a continuous and relatively fast, X-ray microfluorescence analysis and microradiography of the sample (half-core of sediment, U-channels, etc.) and allows to record and visualize the geochemical changes present in sediments.
Visit the official site for more details.