McGill Geobiology Laboratories
Multifaceted lab with specialized analytical equipment for addressing questions in Earth and life history, geomicrobiology, and carbon cycling.
Capabilities include:
- High precision carbon and oxygen isotope measurements of carbonates
- Preparation of microbial respiration byproducts (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane) for radiocarbon and stable isotope analysis
- Facilities for aerobic and anaerobic culture and incubation experiments
- Compound specific carbon and hydrogen measurements of lipid biomarkers (e.g. n-alkanes and fatty acids) and hydrocarbon gases (including methane)
- Simultaneous carbon isotope measurements of methane and carbon dioxide
- Quantification of lipid biomarkers and hydrocarbon gases
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope measurements of water (including oxygen-17 capabilities)
- Organic geochemical prep lab facilities including freeze dryer and microwave solvent extraction system.
More information on research at:
- Nu Instruments Perspective High Resolution Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with NuCarb automated carbonate acid digestion system
- Thermo Delta V Plus Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with GC-Isolink system for compound specific isotope analysis
- Thermo Trace 1310 GC with flame ionization detector
- Picarro G2201-i carbon isotope analyzer (methane and CO2) with small sample introduction module and 16-port manifold
- Picarro L2140-i water isotope analyzer (including hydrogen-2, oxygen-18, and oxygen-17)
- Vacuum preparation line for purification of CO2 for radiocarbon and stable isotope analysis
- Carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope analyses: $20 per sample (academic*)
- Compound specific isotope measurements: $45 per sample (academic*)
- Methane hydrogen isotope analysis (high concentration samples only): $20 per sample (academic*)
- Picarro gas isotope analyses: $12 per sample (academic*)
- Water isotope analyses (H-2, O-18): $12 per sample (academic*)
- Compound Quantification by GC-FID: $20 per sample (academic*)
- Solvent extraction and lipid biomarker preparation: $35 per sample (academic*)
*Please enquire for pricing for external or commercial sample analysis.