Dre Katie Maloney - Filling in the Gaps in the early Tonian Macroalgal Fossil Record
Katie Maloney, posdoctoral researcher, Geotop-McGill
Mardi 20 février 2024 à 12h30 - Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 12:30 pm
Local PK-7605, 7e étage, 201 ave. du Président-Kennedy
Résumé / abstract:
Macroalgae are ecosystem engineers that play a critical role in modern environments. However, their evolutionary history and ecological role in ancient ecosystems remains poorly constrained by a sparse fossil record. Here, we describe an exceptionally well-preserved assemblage of macrofossils discovered in the ca. 950 Ma Dolores Creek Formation, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon Territory. Three unique forms have been identified including Archaeochaeta guncho, interpreted as a green macroalga based on its large size and morphological complexity. New discoveries of well-preserved fossils continue to improve our understanding of the diversification and ecological expansion of macroalgae in the early Tonian Period.
Filling in the Gaps in the early Tonian Macroalgal Fossil Record
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2024-02-20 12:30:00
2025-01-11 20:05:40
Dre Katie Maloney - Filling in the Gaps in the early Tonian Macroalgal Fossil Record
Macroalgae are ecosystem engineers that play a critical role in modern environments. However, their evolutionary history and ecological role in ancient ecosystems remains poorly constrained by a sparse fossil record. Here, we describe an exceptionally well-preserved assemblage of macrofossils discovered in the ca. 950 Ma Dolores Creek Formation, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon Territory. Three unique forms have been identified including Archaeochaeta guncho, interpreted as a green macroalga based on its large size and morphological complexity. New discoveries of well-preserved fossils continue to improve our understanding of the diversification and ecological expansion of macroalgae in the early Tonian Period.
Local PK-7605, 7e étage, 201 ave. du Président-Kennedy