Light stable isotope geochemistry laboratory

labo stables

Laboratory manager: Dr. Jean-François Hélie
Email: helie.jean-francois [at]

Ph.: 514-987-3000 poste 2413 ou 3472
Cell: 514-916-6086

Technician: Agnieszka Adamowicz


201 Président-Kennedy Ave., 7th floor
Montréal, QC
H2X 3Y7

The light stable isotopes geochemistry laboratory of Geotop-UQAM is located downtown Montreal on the campus of the Université du Québec à Montréal, within the Pierre-Dansereau science complex. Founded in 1967 by professor Claude Hillaire-Marcel (now emeritus), the laboratory is managed by Dr. Jean-François Hélie, adjunct professor at the Earth and atmospheric sciences department of UQAM. We provide service to academics as well as to government agencies. parapublic agencies and the private sector. Research fields of the laboratory’s users include geology, biology, environment, geography, Kinanthropology, archeology, etc. The laboratory’s mission in the field of stable isotope geochemistry has been threefold for more than 40 years: i) to train undergraduate and graduate students. ii) to participate in cutting edge research and iii) to serve external clients. We can analyse stable isotopes of hydrogen (1H, 2H), carbon (12C, 13C), nitrogen (14N, 15N), oxygen (16O, 18O) and sulfur (34S, 32S) on a variety of organic and inorganic samples. The laboratory is involved in a wide range of research projects including: hydrological and biogeochemial tracing, paleoclimatology, paleonutrition, detection of fraud in the food industry. etc.

For information on sample submission, please contact Dr. Jean-François Hélie by e-mail at helie.jean-francois [at] or by phone at (514) 987-3000 ext. 2413. All sample submission need to be accompanied by a sample submission sheet found under the Forms menu.

Isoprime MultiCarb

multicarbIsotope ratio mass spectrometer with a universal triple collector in dual inlet mode coupled to a MultiCarb system. This instrument is dedicated to the measurement of micro amounts of carbonates for δ13C & δ18O (0.5 to 1 μmol).

Isoprime AquaPrep

aquaprepIsotope ratio mass spectrometer with a universal triple collector coupled to an Elementar Vario MicroCube elemental analyzer in Continuous Flow mode. This instrument is dedicated to the measurement of δ13C & δ15N of solid samples (mostly organics).

Isoprime 100 DI – MicroGas

microgasIsotope ratio mass spectrometer with a universal triple collector and a 6 collectors array (CO2 isotopologues) in dual inlet mode. It is also coupled to an MicroGas system in Continuous Flow mode. This instrument is dedicated to the measurement of δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), δ13C & δ18O of CO2 and CO2 isotopologues (Δ47).

Isoprime 100 MicroCube

microcubeIsotope ratio mass spectrometer with a universal triple collector coupled to an Elementar Vario MicroCube elemental analyzer in Continuous Flow mode. This instrument is dedicated to the measurement of δ13C & δ15N of solid samples (mostly organics).

VisIon PyroCube

pyrocubevisionIsotope ratio mass spectrometer with a universal triple collector coupled to an Elementar Vario PyroCube elemental analyzer in Continuous Flow mode. This instrument is dedicated to the measurement of δ18O of solid samples by pyrolysis but can also be reconfigured combustion mode for the measurement du of δ13C, δ15N & δ34S of solid samples.


lgrIsotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometer with two lasers for the simultaneous measurements of δ18O, δ2H & δ17O by Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy. This instrument is equipped with an auto-sampler for measurements in liquid mode.

Carlo Erba NC2500

carloerbaElemental analyzer for the measurement of %C, %N & %S by combustion, separation of elements by gas chromatography and thermal conductivity detector (TCD). 



microbalance2 Sartorius M2P microbalances (1μg to 2g).


Labconco Freezone 12 freezedryer



Isotopic analyses:

Carbonatesδ13C & δ18O
Organic matterδ13C, δ15N, δ34S & δ18O
Inorganic matterδ13C, δ34S & δ18O
Water by equilibration (IRMS)δ18O & δ2H
Water by OA-ICOSδ18O, δ2H & δ17O
Inorganic carbon (particulate and dissolved)δ13C
Organic carbon (particulate and dissolved)δ13C
CO2 (respired, hydrothermal, etc.)δ13C & δ18O









Other analyses : 

%C, %N, %S & %O

AnalysisUQAM - studentUQAM - otherAcademicCommercial
18O, 2H water - LGR 10,00$ 15,00$ 25,00$ 50,00$
2H water - IRMS 13,00$ 17,00$ 20,00$ 60,00$
18O water - IRMS 13,00$ 17,00$ 20,00$ 60,00$
 13C et 18O calcite 10,00$ 16,00$ 20,00$ 60,00$
13C CID 15,00$ 20,00$ 25,00$ 65,00$
13C respired CO2 10,00$ 11,00$ 15,00$ 20,00$
13C and/or 15N OM* 11,00$ 13,00$ 15,00$ 45,00$
34S solids 12,00$ 17,00$  18,00$ 50,00$
18O solids 15,00$ 18,00$ 20,00$ 65,00$
 % total C and N* 10,00$13,00$15,00$30,00$
 % inorganic C 10,00$13,00$20,00$30,00$
 Freezedryer   5$/sample/day5$/sample/day
 MilliQ water   10$/litre10$/litre
 Microbalance   20$/hour20$/hour
 Preparation - extra   20$/hour20$/hour

* 50% overchage for filters and samples > 10mg

All sample submission MUST be accompanied by a sample submission form and a detailed sample list. The sample submissions forms must be e-mailed to helie.jean-francois [at] It is imperative that submission forms be as detailed as possible.

Please mention ALL desired analyses by using the appropriate sheet on the Excel form. The information in the columns in red are mandatory.

Download the form here.

Unbuiliding, cleaning and rebuilding a IRMS source