André Poirier


Géochimie des isotopes radiogéniques
Traçage des métaux lourds dans l'environnement

Université du Québec à Montréal

poirier.andre [at] (poirier[dot]andre[at]uqam[dot]ca)


Tél./Ph. : 514-987-3000 poste/ext. 1718

Géochimie des isotopes radiogéniques
Traçage des métaux lourds dans l'environnement

Véron, A., Morhange, C., Poirier, A., Angeletti, B., Bertoncello, F., 2018Geochemical markers of human occupation in the lower Argens valley (Fréjus, France): from protohistory to Roman timesJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17, 242-249.

Cox, G., Jarrett, A., Edwards, D., Crockford, P., Halverson, G., Collins, A., Poirier, A., Li, Z.X., 2016. Basin redox and primary productivity within the Mesoproterozoic Roper Seaway. Chemical Geology 440, 101-114.

Kunzmann, M., Gibson, T.M., Halverson, G.P., Hodgskiss, M.S.W., Bui, T.H., Carozza, D.A., Sperling, E.A., Poirier, A., Cox, G.M., Wing, B.A., 2017Iron isotope biogeochemistry of Neoproterozoic marine shalesGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 209, 85-105.

Stevenson, R., Moffatt, E., Corbeil, M.C., Poirier, A., 2016. Pb and Sr Isotopes and the Provenance of the Painting Materials of Cornelius Krieghoff in 19th-Century Canada. Archaeometry 58 (4), 673-687.

Thibodeau, B., Migon, C., Dufour, A., Poirier, A., Mari, X., Ghaleb, B., Legendre, L., 2017Low sedimentary accumulation of lead caused by weak downward export of organic matter in Hudson Bay, northern CanadaBiogeochemistry 136 (3), 279-291.

Cox, G.M., Halverson, G.P., Poirier, A., Le Heron, D., Strauss, J.V., Stevenson, R., 2016A model for Cryogenian iron formationEarth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 280-292.

Cox, G.M., Halverson, G.P., Stevenson, R.K., Vokatya, M., Poirier, A., Kunzmann, M., Li, Z.-X., Denyszyn, S.W., Strausse, J.V., Macdonald, F.A., 2016. Continental flood basalt weathering as a trigger for Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 446, 89-99.

Vinciguerra, V., Stevenson, R., Pedneault, K., Poirier, A., Hélie, J.-F., Widory, D., 2016Strontium isotope characterization of wines from Quebec, CanadaFood Chemistry 210, 121-128.

Gogot, J., Poirier, A., Boullemant, A., 2015Osmium isotopic tracing of atmospheric emissions from an aluminum smelterComptes Rendus - Geoscience 347 (5-6), 277-283.

Petit, D., Véron, A., Flament, P., Deboudt, K., Poirier, A., 2015Review of pollutant lead decline in urban air and human blood: A case study from northwestern EuropeComptes Rendus - Geoscience 347 (5-6), 247-256.

Stevenson, R., Poirier, A., Véron, A., Carignan, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2015Late Eocene to present isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) and geochemical evolution of sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: Implications for continental sources and linkage with the North Atlantic OceanComptes Rendus - Geoscience 347 (5-6), 227-235.

Vautour, G., Poirier, A., Widory, D., 2015, Tracking mobility using human hair: What can we learn from lead and strontium isotopes?, Science & Justice, vol.55, no.1, pp. 63-71

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Maccali, J., Not, C., Poirier, A. 2013, Geochemical and isotopic tracers of Arctic sea ice sources and export with special attention to the Younger Dryas interval, Quaternary Science Reviews. 

Véron, A.J., Flaux, C., Marriner, N., Poirier, A., Rigaud, S., Morhange, C., Empereur, J.-Y. 2013, A 6000-year geochemical record of human activities from Alexandria (Egypt), Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 81, pp. 138-147.

Véron, A., Leroux, G., Poirier, A., Baque, D., 2011. Origin of copper used in bronze artefacts from middle bronze age burials in Sidon: a synthesis from lead isotope imprints and chemical analyses, Archaeology & History in Lebanon, 34/35, 68-78.

Poirier, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2011. Improved Os-isotope stratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 38(14), L14607.

Poirier, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2009. Os-isotope insights into major environmental changes of the Arctic Ocean during the Cenozoic, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L11602, doi:10.1029/2009GL037422, GEOTOP publication n°2009-0005. 

Poirier, A., Doucelance, R., 2009. Effective Correction of Mass Bias for Rhenium Measurements by MC-ICP-MS, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 33 (2), 195-204, GEOTOP publication n°2009-0001, DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2009.00017.x. 

Véron, A., Poirier, A., Leroux, G., 2009. Lead isotopes reveal the origin of Middle Bronze Age artefacts found in Sidon, Archeology & History in Lebanon, 29, 68-74.

Poirier, A., 2006. Re-Os and Pb isotope systematics in reduced fjord sediments from Saanich Inlet (Western Canada), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 249, 119-131.

Poirier, A., Gariépy, C., 2005. Isotopic Signature and Impact of Car Catalysts on the Anthropogenic Osmium budget, Environmental Science and Technology, 39(12), 4431-4434. 

Poirier, A., Doucelance, R., Gariépy, C., 2004. Radiogenic isotope investigation of the St-Robert H5 fall, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39 (11), 1983-1993.

Mareschal, J.C., Poirier, A., Rolandone, F, Bienfait, G., Gariépy, C., Lapointe, R., Jaupart,C., 2000. Low mantle heat flow at the edge of the North American continent, Voisey’s Bay, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 823-826.