Diamonds - from formation to valuation

Please confirm your attendance: lucilledaver [at]

Programme (all presentations are in room PK-1140):

9:20 am: Conference introduction by Daniele Pinti

9:30 am: Hélène Bureau (Uni. Sorbonne): The growth of lithospheric diamonds

° Coffee break °

10:40 am: Thomas Stachel (Uni. Alberta): Inclusions in diamonds from Canadian deposits

11:30 am: Daniele Pinti (Geotop): Noble gases in diamonds

° Lunch °

1:30 pm: Lucille Daver (Geotop): The origin of blue diamonds

2:00 pm: Bruce Kjarsgaard (Geological Survey of Canada): Diamond exploration in Canada

2:50 pm: Matt Manson (Stornoway): Stornoway's Renard Mine: Lessons learned from the development and operation of Quebec's first diamond producer

3:40 pm: Chandra Horn (ADCi): Evaluating the gem quality of rough diamonds

4:30 pm: Cocktail at Geotop (room PK-7150)