Veuillez confirmer votre présence : lucilledaver [at]
Programme (toutes les conférences sont au local PK-1140) :
9h20 : Introduction de la journée de conférence par Daniele Pinti
9h30 : Hélène Bureau (Uni. Sorbonne): The growth of lithospheric diamonds
° Pause café °
10h40 : Thomas Stachel (Uni. Alberta): Inclusions in diamonds from Canadian deposits
11h30 : Daniele Pinti (Geotop): Noble gases in diamonds
° Lunch °
13h30 : Lucille Daver (Geotop): The origin of blue diamonds
14h00 : Bruce Kjarsgaard (Geological Survey of Canada): Diamond exploration in Canada
14h50 : Matt Manson (Stornoway): Stornoway's Renard Mine: Lessons learned from the development and operation of Quebec's first diamond producer
15h40: Chandra Horn (ADCi): Evaluating the gem quality of rough diamonds
16h30 : Cocktail au Geotop (local PK-7150)