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pinti.daniele [at] uqam.ca (pinti[dot]daniele[at]uqam[dot]ca)
Mots clés: Géochimie des gaz rares, isotopes stables, origine et évolution des composés volatils, hydrogéochimie, paléoclimatologie.
Mes recherches couvrent plusieurs domaines des Sciences de la Terre, de la gèochimie à la magmatologie, en passant par la géologie du précambrien, mais au centre de l’intérêt il y a eu toujours l’étude de l’origine et l’évolution des volatils (N, C, H, O, H2O, gaz rares) sur Terre, depuis l’Archéen. Je suis un spécialiste de la géochimie des gaz nobles, un groupe d’éléments chimiquement non-réactifs et rares, caractéristiques qui les rendent des traceurs par excellence des majeurs processus géologiques sur Terre. Les grandes découvertes et applications en Sciences de la Terre comme celles des radionuclides éteints, l’histoire du dégazage du manteau et la formation de l’atmosphère secondaire de la Terre, la découverte des météorites martiennes (SNC), ont été faites grâce aux gaz rares.
Mon intérêt pour la géochimie des gaz rares est surtout centré sur ses applications pour tracer et dater les circulations des fluides crustaux et leur origine. J’ai aussi travaillé sur l’évolution des volatils majeurs sur Terre en particulier sur le cycle de l’azote dans l’Archéen et l’origine des océans.
Actuellement, je travaille sur des applications des gaz rares en paléoclimatologie, en particulier le paléothermomètre à gaz rares. Le principe est simple et il se base sur la dépendance de la solubilité des gaz avec la température. Les gaz rares contenus dans l’atmosphère sont dissous dans les eaux souterraines à la recharge. En échantillonnant une parcelle d’eau d’âge connu, on peut donc estimer la température de l’air au moment de la recharge de l’aquifère, en mesurant la concentration absolue des gaz rares atmosphériques dissous. La méthode permet d’obtenir des données fiables de température sur les continents où les données sont relativement éparses et insuffisantes pour permettre de développer des modèles globaux des changements climatiques.
Méjean, P., Pinti, D.L., Ghaleb, B., Larocque, M., 2017. Fracturing-induced release of radiogenic 4He and 234U into groundwater during the last deglaciation: An alternative source to crustal helium fluxes in periglacial aquifers. Water Resources Research 53 (7), 5677-5689.
Pinti, D.L., 2017. Atmophile Elements. In Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, W.M. White (ed.), Springer International Publishing AG, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_209-1
Pinti, D.L., 2017. Earth's Atmosphere. In Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, W.M. White (ed.), Springer International Publishing AG, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_210-1
Pinti, D.L., Castro, M.C., Lopez-Hernandez, A., Han, G., Shouakar- Stash, O., Hall, C.M., Ramírez-Montes, M., 2017. Fluid circulation and reservoir conditions of the Los Humeros Geothermal Field (LHGF), Mexico, as revealed by a noble gas survey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 333-334, 104-115.
Roulleau, E., Bravo, F., Pinti, D.L., Barde-Cabusson, S., Pizarro, M., Tardani, D., Muñoz, C., Sanchez, J., Sano, Y., Takahata, N. and de la Cal, F., 2017. Structural controls on fluid circulation at the Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (CCVC) geothermal area (Chile-Argentina), revealed by soil CO2 and temperature, self-potential, and helium isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 341, 104-118.
Saby, M., Larocque, M., Pinti, D., Barbecot, F., Gagné, S., Barnetche, D., Cabana, H., 2017. Regional assessment of concentrations and sources of pharmaceutically active compounds, pesticides, nitrate, and E. coli in post-glacial aquifer environments (Canada). Science of the Total Environment 579, 557-568.
Sano, Y., Kinoshita, N., Kagoshima, T., Takahata, N., Sakata, S., Toki, T., Kawagucci, S., Waseda, A., Lan, T., Wen, H., Chen, A.T., Lee, H., Yang, T.F., Zheng, G., Tomonaga, Y., Roulleau, E., Pinti, D.L., 2017. Origin of methane-rich natural gas at the West Pacific convergent plate boundary. Scientific Reports 7, 15646.
Wen, T., Castro, M.C., Nicot, J.P., Hall, C.M., Pinti, D.L., Mickler, P.J., Darvari, R. and Larson, T., 2017. Characterizing the Noble Gas Isotopic Composition of the Barnett Shale and Strawn Group and Constraining the Source of Stray Gas in the Trinity Aquifer, North-Central Texas. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (11), 6533-6541.
Berthot, L., Pinti, D.L., Larocque, M., Gagné, S., Ferlatte, M. Cloutier, V., 2016. Exploring 222Rn as a tool for tracing groundwater inflows from eskers and moraines into slope peatlands of the Amos region of Quebec, Canada. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 164, 344-353. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.07.038
Birkle, P., Marín, E. P., Pinti, D. L., & Castro, M. C., 2016. Origin and evolution of geothermal fluids from Las Tres Virgenes and Cerro Prieto fields, Mexico–co-genetic volcanic activity and paleoclimatic constraints. Applied Geochemistry 65, 36-53.
Hashizume, K., Pinti, D.L., Orberger, B., Cloquet, C., Jayananda, M., Soyama, H., 2016. A biological switch at the ocean surface as a cause of laminations in a Precambrian iron formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 446, 27–36.
Kagoshima, T., Sano, Y., Takahata, N., Ishida, A., Tomonaga, Y., Roulleau, E., Pinti, D.L., Fischer, T.P., Lan, T., Nishio, Y., Tsunogai, U., Guo, Z., 2016. Spatial and temporal variations of gas geochemistry at Mt. Ontake, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 325, 179-188.
Méjean, P., Pinti, D.L., Larocque, M., Ghaleb, B., Meyzonnat, G., Gagné, S., 2016. Processes controlling 234U and 238U isotope fractionation and helium in the groundwater of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec: The potential role of natural rock fracturing. Applied Geochemistry 66, 198-209.
Meyzonnat, G., Larocque, M., Barbecot, F., Pinti, D.L., Gagné, S., 2016. The potential of major ion chemistry to assess groundwater vulnerability of a regional aquifer in southern Quebec (Canada). Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (1), art. no. 68, 1-12.
Pinti, D.L., Gélinas, Y., Moritz, A., Larocque, M., Sano, Y. 2016. Anthropogenic and natural methane emissions from a shale gas development area of Quebec, Canada. Science of the Total Environment 566-567, 1329-1338.
Pinti, D.L., Ishida, A., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Bureau, H., Cartigny, P., 2016. Micron-scale δ13C determination by NanoSIMS in a Juina diamond with a carbonate inclusion. Geochemical Journal 50, e7-e12.
Saby, M., Larocque, M., Pinti, D.L., Barbecot, F., Sano, Y., Castro, M.C., 2016. Linking groundwater quality to residence times and regional geology in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, southern Quebec, Canada. Applied Geochemistry 65, 1-13.
Wen, T., Castro, M.C., Hall, C.M., Pinti, D.L., Lohmann, C., 2016. Constraining groundwater flow in the glacial drift and saginaw aquifers in the Michigan Basin through helium concentrations and isotopic ratios. Geofluids 16 (1), 3-25.
Boucher, C., Pinti, D.L., Roy, M., Castro, M.C., Cloutier, V., Blanchette, D., Larocque, M., Hall, C.M., Wen, T., Sano, Y., 2015. Groundwater age investigation of eskers in the Amos region, Quebec, Canada. Journal of Hydrology 524, 1-14.
Méjean, P., Garduño-Monroy, V.-H., Pinti, D.L., Ghaleb, B., Bouvier, L., Gomez-Vasconcelos, M.G., Tremblay, A., 2015. U–Th dating of broken speleothems from Cacahuamilpa cave, Mexico: Are they recording past seismic events? Journal of South American Earth Sciences 57, 23-31.
Moritz, A., Helie, J.-F., Pinti, D., Larocque, M., Barnatche, D., Retailleau, S., Lefebvre, R., Gelinas, Y., 2015. Methane baseline concentrations and sources in shallow aquifers from the shale gas-prone region of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada). Environmental Science and technology 49 (7), 4765-4771.
Pinti, D.L., Ghaleb, B., Samper, A., Gillot, P.-Y., 2015. Non-destructive potassium measurement in minerals by gamma-ray spectrometry: Toward an enhanced K-Ar dating method. Geochemical Journal 49 (6), e15-e19.
Sano, Y., Kagoshima, T., Takahata, N., Nishio, Y., Roulleau, E., Pinti, D.L., Fischer, T.P., 2015. Ten-year helium anomaly prior to the 2014 Mt Ontake eruption. Scientific Reports 5, art. no. 13069
Vautour, G., Pinti, D.L., Méjean, P., Saby, M., Meyzonnat, G., Larocque, M., Castro, M.C., Hall, C.M., Boucher, C., Roulleau, E., Barbecot, F., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., 2015. 3H/3He, 14C and (U-Th)/He groundwater ages in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, Eastern Canada. Chemical Geology 413, art. no. 17661, 94-106.
Pinti, D.L., Retailleau, S., Barnetche, D., Moreira, F., Moritz, A.M., Larocque, M., Gélinas, Y., Lefebvre, R., Hélie, J.-.F., Valadez, A. 2014. 222Rn activity in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, eastern Canada: Relation with local geology and health hazard, Journal of environmental radioactivity, vol. 136, pp. 206-217.
Pinti, D.L., Castro, M.C., Shouakar-Stash, O., Tremblay, A., Garduño, V.H., Hall, C.M., Hélie, J.-F., Ghaleb, B. 2013, Evolution of the geothermal fluids at Los Azufres, Mexico, as traced by noble gas isotopes, δ18O, δD, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 249, pp. 1-11.
Pinti, D.L., Mineau, R., Clement, V. 2013, Comment on "Biogenicity of Earth's earliest fossils: a resolution of the controversy" by J. William Schopf and Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev, Gondwana Research 22 (2012), 761-771, Gondwana Research, ISSN 1342-937X, 10.1016/j.gr.2012.12.012.
Pickler, C., Pinti, D.L., Ghaleb, B., Garduño, V.H., Tremblay, A. 2012. Radium depletion and 210Pb/226Ra disequilibrium of Marítaro hydrothermal deposits, Los Azufres geothermal field, Mexico. Geochemical Journal. 46, 493-504.
Roulleau, E., Pinti, D.L., Stevenson, R.K., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Pitre, F. 2012. N, Ar and Pb isotopic co-variations in magmatic minerals: Discriminating fractionation processes from magmatic sources in Monteregian Hills, Québec, Canada. Chemical Geology. 326-327 pp. 123 - 131.
Pinti, D.L., Béland-Otis, C., Tremblay, A., Castro, M.C., Hall, C.M., Marcil, J.-S., Lavoie, J.-Y., Lapointe, R., 2011. Fossil brines preserved in the St-Lawrence Lowlands, Québec, Canada as revealed by their chemistry and noble gas isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 4228-4243.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., 2011. Early life recorded by nitrogen isotopes. In: (S. Golding, Glikson M.) Earliest Life on Earth: Habitats, Environments and Methods of Detection, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 183-205.
Lan, T.F., Sano, Y., Yang, T.F., Takahata, N., Shirai, K., Pinti, D.L., 2010. Evaluating Earth degassing in subduction zones by measuring helium fluxes from the ocean floor, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298, 317-322.
Pitre, F., Pinti, D.L., 2010. Noble gas enrichments in porewater of estuarine sediments and their effect on the estimation of net denitrification rates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (2), 531-539, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.004.
Sano, Y., Pinti, D., 2010. Erratum: Paleoclimatic implications of the hydrogen isotopic composition of terrigenous n-alkanes from Lake Yamzho, southern Tibetan Plateau, (Geochemical Journal (2009) 43:4 (275-286)), Geochemical Journal, 44(2), 159.
Cadoux, A., Pinti, D.L., 2009. Hybrid character and pre-eruptive events of Mt Amiata volcano (Italy) inferred from geochronological, petro-geochemical and isotopic data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 179, 169-190.
Pinti, D.L., Mineau, R., Clement, V., 2009. Hydrothermal alteration and microfossil artefacts of the 3,465-million-year old Apex Chert, Nature Geoscience, 2(9), 640-643.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., Sugihara, Y., Massault, M., Philippot, P., 2009. Isotopic fractionation of nitrogen and carbon in Paleoarchean cherts from Pilbara Carton, Western Australia: origin of 15N-depleted nitrogen, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), 3819-3848, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.03.014. GEOTOP no. 2009-0006.
Rouchon, V., Orberger, B., Hofmann, A., Pinti, D.L., 2009. Diagenetic Fe-carbonates in Paleoarchean felsic sedimentary rocks (Hooggenoeg Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa): Implications for CO2 sequestration and the chemical budget of seawater, Precambrian Research, 172 (3-4), 255-278, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2009.04.010.
Roulleau, E., Pinti, D.L., Rouchon, V., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.-Y., 2009. Tephro-chronostratigraphy of the lacustrine interglacial record of Piànico, Italian Southern Alps: Identifying the volcanic sources using radiogenic isotopes and trace elements, Quaternary International, 204 (1-2), 31-43, 10.1016/j.quaint.2009.01.006. GEOTOP no. 2009-0004.
Thomazo, Ch., Pinti, D.L., Busigny, V., Ader, M., Hashizume, K., Philippot, P., 2009. Biological activity and Earth’s surface evolutions: Insights from carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and iron stable isotopes in the rock record, Comptes Rendus Palevol, 8 (7), 665-678, DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2009.02.003.
Pinti, D., Gargaud, M., 2008. Neptune tombé du ciel, Decryptage, 953, 16-19.
Cadoux, A., Blichert-Toft, J., Pinti, D. L., Albarède, F., 2007. A unique lower mantle source for southern Italy volcanics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259(3-4), 227-238. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0034.
Pinti, D., Rouchon, V., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P.Y., Chiesa, S., Ravazzi, C., 2007. Comment: Tephrochronological dating of varved interglacial lake deposits from Piànico-Sèllere (Southern Alps, Italy) to around 400 ka, by Brauer, A., Wulf, S., Mangili, C., Moscariello, A., Journal of Quaternary Science, 22(4), p.411-414.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., Orberger, B., Gallien, J.-P., Cloquet, C., Massault, M., 2007. Biogenic nitrogen and carbon in Fe-Mn-oxyhydroxides from an Archean chert, Marble Bar, Western Australia, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8, Q02007, doi:10.1029/2006GC001394, GEOTOP Publication n°2007-0002.
Martin, H., Albarède, F., Claeys, Ph., Gargaud, M., Marty, B., Morbidelli, A., Pinti, D.L., 2006. Building of a habitable planet, Earth, Moon and Planets, 98, 97-151.
Martin, H., Claeys, Ph., Gargaud, M., Pinti, D.L., Selsis, F., 2006. Environmental Context, Earth, Moon and Planets, 98, 205-245.
Orberger, B., Rouchon, V., Westall, F., de Vries, S.T., Pinti, D.L., Wagner, C., Wirth, R., Hashizume, K., 2006. Microfacies and origin of some Archean Cherts (Pilbara, Australia), in Processes on the Early Earth, edited by Reimold, W.U. and Gibson, R.L., Geological Society of America Special Papers, 405 ,133-156.
Pinti, D.L., Marty, B., 2006. La mer est tombée du ciel, Dossiers La Recherche, 25, 72-77.
Pinti, D.L., Quidelleur, X., Chiesa, S., Ravazzi, C., Gillot, P.-Y., 2006. The tephra in the carbonate varved bed of the Pianico formation : volcanology and geochronology, in Field Trip Guide : the Quaternary of the Italian Alps, edited by Donegana, M. and Ravazzi, C., CNRS-IDPA and INQUA-SEQS , 32-40.
Shen, Y, Pinti D.L., Hashizume, K., 2006. Biogeochemical cycles of sulfur and nitrogen in the Archean ocean and atmosphere, in Archean Geodynamics and Environments, edited by Benn, K., Mareschal, J.C., and Condie, K., AGU Geophysical Monographs, 164, 305-320.
Orberger, B., Gallien, J.P., Pinti, D.L., Fialin, M., Daudin, L., Gröcke, D.R., Pasava, J., 2005. Nitrogen and carbon partioning in diagenetic and hydrothermal minerals from Paleozoic Black Shales (Selwyn Basin, Yukon Territories, Canada), Chemical Geology, 281, 249-264.
Pinti,D.L., 2005. The origin and evolution of the oceans, in Lectures in Astrobiology, edited by Gargaud, M., Barbier, B., Martin, H., and Reisse, J. Springer-Verlag, 83-111.
Rouchon, V., Pinti, D.L., Gallien, J.P., Orberger, B., Daudin, L., Westall, F., 2005. NRA analyses of N and C in hydromuscovite aggregates from a 3.5 Ga chert from Kittys Gap, Pilbara, Australia, Nuclear Methods and Instruments in Physics Research B, 231, 536-540.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., 2011. Early life recorded by nitrogen isotopes. In: S. Golding, Glikson M. (Eds.), Earliest Life on Earth: Habitats, Environments and Methods of Detection, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 183-205.
Orberger B., Rouchon V., Westall F., de Vries S.T., Pinti D.L., Wagner Ch., Hashizume K., and Wirth R., 2006. Micro-facies and origins of some Archaean Cherts (Pilbara, Australia). GSA Spec. Papers 405, 133-156.
Cadoux, A., Pinti, D.L., Aznar, C., Chiesa, S., Gillot, P.Y., 2005. New chronological and geochemical constraints on the genesis and geological evolution of Ponza and Palmarola Volcanic Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy), Lithos, 81, 121-151.
Mercury, L., Pinti D.L., Zeyen, H. 2004. The effect of negative pressure of water on the atmospheric noble gas solubility in ground water and palaeotemperature reconstruction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 223, 147-161.
Gallien, J.P., Orberger, B., Daudin, L., Pinti, D.L., Pasava, J., 2004. Nitrogen in biogenic and abiogenic minerals from Paleozoic black shales: a NRA study, Nuclear Methods and Instruments in Physics Research B, 217, 11 3-122.
Pinti, D.L., Matsumoto, T., Matsuda, J., Fang, Z., 2004. Distribution of noble gases in Chinese tektites: Implications for the neon solubility in natural glasses, Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 39, 89-96.
Orberger, B., Pasava, J., Gallien, J.P., Daudin, L., Pinti, D.L., 2003. Biogenic and abiogenic hydrothermal sulfides: controls of rare metal distribution in black sales (Yukon Territories, Canada), Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78/79, 559-563.
Pinti, D.L., Quidelleur, X., Lahitte, P., Aznar, C., Chiesa, S., Gillot ,P.Y., 2003. The Piànico tephra: an early-Middle Pleistocene record of intraplate volcanism in the Mediterranean, Terra Nova, 15, 176-186.
Pinti, D.L., 2003. La formation des océans.,in Les traces du vivant, edited by Gargaud, M., Despois, D., and Reisse, J., Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, p. 39-57.
Pinti D.L. & Mart B. 2002. La mer est tombée du ciel, La Recherche, Special « La Mer », Juillet 2002, 14-17.
Matsumoto, T., Pinti, D.L., Matsuda, J., Umino, S., 2002. Recycled noble gas and nitrogen in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: implications from N-He-Ar in fluid inclusions of SE Australian xenoliths, Geochemical Journal, 36, 209-217.
Pinti, D.L., 2001. The isotopic record of Archean nitrogen and the evolution of the early Earth, Trends in Geochemistry, 2, 1-17.
Pinti, D.L., Quidelleur, X., Chiesa, S., Brauer, A., Ravazzi, C., Gillot, P.Y., 2001. K-Ar dating of an early Middle Pleistocene distal tephra in the interglacial varved succession of Pianico-Sèllere (Southern Alps, Italy), Earth and Planet. Science Letters, 188, 1-7.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., Matsuda, J., 2001. Nitrogen and argon signature in 3.8-2.8 Ga metasediments: clues on the chemical state of the Archean ocean and the deep biosphere, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 2129-2143.
Pinti, D.L., Hashizume, K., 2001. 15N-depleted nitrogen in early Archean kerogens: clues on ancient marine chemosynthetic-based ecosystems?, Precambrian Research, 105, 85-88.
Pinti, D.L., Matsuda, J., Maruyama, S., 2001. Anomalous xenon in Archean cherts from Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, Chemical Geology, 175, 387-395.
Pinti, D.L., Marty, B., 2000. Noble gases in oil and gas fields: origins and processes, in Fluids and basin evolution, edited by Kyser, K., Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Series, 28,160-196.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Codirection : Vincent van Hinsberg
Sujet de recherche : Modélisation prédictive de l'enrichissement en lithium dans les systèmes magmatiques-hydrothermaux
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal
Sujet de recherche : Les manifestations géothermales dans le rift ouest africain-région de Kivu
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal
Codirection : Kim Berlo
Sujet de recherche : The origin of metals in geothermal fluids at Krafla, Iceland.
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal
Codirection : Marie Larocque
Sujet de recherche : Temps de séjour de l’eau souterraine au mont Covey Hill