Jeffrey McKenzie


Impacts des changements
sur les ressources en eau

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

jeffrey.mckenzie [at] (jeffrey[dot]mckenzie[at]mcgill[dot]ca)

Hydrogeology, including pore water flow in northern peatlands, heat transport, heat as a tracer of natural systems, groundwater modeling, coupled numerical models of pore water flow and heat transport with freeze/thaw processes, and the impact of melting tropical glaciers on water resources.

Grenier, C., Anbergen, H., Bense, V., Chanzy, Q., Coon, E., Collier, N., Costard, F., Ferry, M., Frampton, A., Frederick, J., Gonçalvès, J., Holmén, J., Jost, A., Kokh, S., Kurylyk, B., McKenzie, J., Molson, J., Mouche, E., Orgogozo, L., Pannetier, R., Rivière, A., Roux, N., Rühaak, W., Scheidegger, J., Selroos, J.-O., Therrien, R., Vidstrand, P. and Voss, C., 2018Groundwater flow and heat transport for systems undergoing freeze-thaw: Intercomparison of numerical simulators for 2D test cases. Advances in Water Resources 114, 196-218.

Guittard, A., Baraer, M., McKenzie, J.M., Mark, B.G., Wigmore, O., Fernandez, A., Rapre, A.C., Walsh, E., Bury, J., Carey, M., French, A., 2017Trace-metal contamination in the glacierized Rio Santa watershed, PeruEnvironmental monitoring and assessment 189(12), 649.

Mark, B.G., French, A., Baraer, M., Carey, M., Bury, J., Young, K.R., Polk, M.H., Wigmore, O., Lagos, P., Crumley, R., McKenzie, J.M., 2017Glacier loss and hydro-social risks in the Peruvian AndesGlobal and Planetary Change 159, 61-76.

Polk, M.H., Young, K.R., Baraer, M., Mark, B.G., McKenzie, J.M., Bury, J., Carey, M., 2017Exploring hydrologic connections between tropical mountain wetlands and glacier recession in Peru's Cordillera BlancaApplied Geography 78, 94-103.

Van Hinsberg, V., Vigouroux, N., Palmer, S., Berlo, K., Mauri, G., Williams-Jones, A., Mckenzie, J., Williams-Jones, G., Fischer, T., 2017Element flux to the environment of the passively degassing crater lake-hosting Kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia, and implications for estimates of the global volcanic fluxGeological Society of London Special Publication 437 (1), 9-34. 

Kurylyk, B.L., Hayashi, M., Quinton, W.L., Mckenzie, J.M., Voss, C.I., 2016. Influence of vertical and lateral heat transfer on permafrost thaw, peatland landscape transition, and groundwater flowWater Resources Research 52 (2), 1286-1305.

Larocque, M., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Needelman, M., Cloutier, C.-A., McKenzie, J.M., 2016Role of the geomorphic setting in controlling groundwater–surface water exchanges in riverine wetlands: A case study from two southern Québec rivers (Canada)Canadian Water Resources Journal 41 (4), 528-542.

Somers, L.D., Gordon, R.P., Mckenzie, J.M., Lautz, L.K., Wigmore, O., Glose, A., Glas, R., Aubry-Wake, C., Mark, B., Baraer, M., Condom, T., 2016Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions in a proglacial valley, Cordillera Blanca, PeruHydrological Processes 30 (17), 2915-2929.

Aubry-Wake, C., Baraer, M., McKenzie, J.M., Mark, B.G., Wigmore, O., Hellström, R.Å., Lautz, L., Somers, L., 2015Measuring glacier surface temperatures with ground-based thermal infrared imagingGeophysical Research Letters 42 (20), 8489-8497.

Baraer, M., Mckenzie, J., Mark, B.G., Gordon, R., Bury, J., Condom, T., Gomez, J., Knox, S., Fortner, S.K., 2015Contribution of groundwater to the outflow from ungauged glacierized catchments: A multi-site study in the tropical Cordillera Blanca, PeruHydrological Processes 29 (11), 2561-2581.

Gordon, R.P., Lautz, L.K., McKenzie, J.M., Mark, B.G., Chavez, D., Baraer, M., 2015. Sources and pathways of stream generation in tropical proglacial valleys of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Journal of Hydrology 522, 628-644. 

Irvine, D.J., Lautz, L.K., Briggs, M.A., Gordon, R.P., McKenzie, J.M., 2015Experimental evaluation of the applicability of phase, amplitude, and combined methods to determine water flux and thermal diffusivity from temperature time series using VFLUX 2Journal of Hydrology 531, 728-737.

Kurylyk, B.L., MacQuarrie, K.T.B., Caissie, D., McKenzie, J.M., 2015Shallow groundwater thermal sensitivity to climate change and land cover disturbances: Derivation of analytical expressions and implications for stream temperature modelingHydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 2469-2489.

Lefebvre, R., Gleeson, T., McKenzie, J.M., Gassiat, C., 2015Reply to comment by Flewelling and Sharma on "hydraulic fracturing in faulted sedimentary basins: Numerical simulation of potential contamination of shallow aquifers over long time scales"Water Resources Research 51 (3), 1877-1882. 

Rühaak, W., Anbergen, H., Grenier, C., McKenzie, J., Kurylyk, B.L., Molson, J., Roux, N., Sass, I., 2015Benchmarking Numerical Freeze/Thaw ModelsEnergy Procedia 76, 301-310. 

Briggs, M.A., Walvoord, M.A., McKenzie, J.M., Voss, C.I., Day-Lewis, F.D., Lane, J.W. 2014, New permafrost is forming around shrinking Arctic lakes, but will it last?, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1585-1592.

Carey, M., Baraer, M., Mark, B.G., French, A., Bury, J., Young, K.R., McKenzie, J.M. 2014, Toward hydro-social modeling: Merging human variables and the social sciences with climate-glacier runoff models (Santa River, Peru), Journal of Hydrology, vol. 518, no. PA, pp. 60-70.

Kurylyk, B.L., McKenzie, J.M., MacQuarrie, K.T.B., Voss, C.I. 2014, Analytical solutions for benchmarking cold regions subsurface water flow and energy transport models: One-dimensional soil thaw with conduction and advection, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 70, pp. 172-184.

Kurylyk, B.L., MacQuarrie, K.T.B., McKenzie, J.M. 2014, Climate change impacts on groundwater and soil temperatures in cold and temperate regions: Implications, mathematical theory, and emerging simulation tools, Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 138, pp. 313-334.

Wrathall, D.J., Bury, J., Carey, M., Mark, B., McKenzie, J., Young, K., Baraer, M., French, A., Rampini, C. 2014, Migration Amidst Climate Rigidity Traps: Resource Politics and Social-Ecological Possibilism in Honduras and Peru, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. vol. 104. no.2, pp. 292-304.

Gassiat, C., Gleeson, T., Lefebvre, R.,  McKenzie, J. 2013, Hydraulic fracturing in faulted sedimentary basins: Numerical simulation of potential contamination of shallow aquifers over long time scales, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 8310-8327.

McKenzie, J.M., Voss, C.I. 2013, Permafrost thaw in a nested groundwater-flow system, Hydrogeology Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 299-316. 

Briggs, M.A., Lautz, L.K., Mckenzie, J.M. 2012.  A comparison of fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing to traditional methods of evaluating groundwater inflow to streams, Hydrological Processes, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 1277-1290. 

Briggs, M.A., Lautz, L.K., McKenzie, J.M., Gordon, R.P., Hare, D.K. 2012.  Using high-resolution distributed temperature sensing to quantify spatial and temporal variability in vertical hyporheic flux, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, no. 2.

Baraer, M., Mark, B.G., Mckenzie, J.M., Condom, T., Bury, J., Huh, K.-I., Portocarrero, C., Gómez, J., Rathay, S. 2012. Glacier recession and water resources in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca. Journal of Glaciology, 58(207), 134-150.

Gordon, R.P., Lautz, L.K., Briggs, M.A., McKenzie, J.M. 2012. Automated calculation of vertical pore-water flux from field temperature time series using the VFLUX method and computer program. Journal of Hydrology, 420-421, 142-158.

Bury, J.T., Mark, B.G., McKenzie, J.M., French, A., Baraer, M., Huh, K.I., Zapata Luyo, M.A., Gómez López, R.J. 2011. Glacier recession and human vulnerability in the Yanamarey watershed of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, Climatic Change, 105(1), 179-206.

Fortner, S.K., Mark, B.G., McKenzie, J.M., Bury, J., Trierweiler, A., Baraer, M., Burns, P.J., Munk, L. 2011. Elevated stream trace and minor element concentrations in the foreland of receding tropical glaciers, Applied Geochemistry, 26(11), 1792-1801.

Ge, S., McKenzie, J., Voss, C., Wu, Q., 2011. Exchange of groundwater and surface-water mediated by permafrost response to seasonal and long term air temperature variation, Geophysical Research Letters, 38(14), L14402.

Palmer, S.C.J., van Hinsberg, V.J., McKenzie, J.M., Yee, S., 2011. Characterization of acid river dilution and associated trace element behavior through hydrogeochemical modeling: A case study of the Banyu Pahit River in East Java, Indonesia, Applied Geochemistry, 26(11), 1802-1810.

Mckenzie, J.M., Mark, B.G., Thompson, L.G., Schotterer, U., Lin, P.-N., 2010. A hydrogeochemical survey of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania): Implications for water sources and ages, Hydrogeology Journal, 18(4), 985-995.

Baraer, M., McKenzie, J.M., Mark, B.G., Bury, J., Knox, S., 2009. Characterizing contributions of glacier melt and groundwater during the dry season in a poorly gauged catchment of the Cordillera Blanca (Peru), Advances in Geosciences, 22,  41-49.

McKenzie, J.M., 2008. Book Review: "Groundwater in Geologic Processes; Second Edition" by Steven E. Ingebritsen, Ward E. Sanford, and Christopher Neuzil, Hydrogeology Journal, 2008. – Not peer reviewed.

Bury, J., French, A., McKenzie, J., Mark, B.G., 2008. Adapting to uncertain futures: A report on new glacier recession and livelihood vulnerability research in the Peruvian Andes, Mountain Research and Development, 28 (3-4), 332-333.

Mark, B.G., Mckenzie, J.M., 2007. Tracing increasing tropical Andean glacier melt with stable isotopes in water, Environmental Science and Technology, 41(20), 6955-6960.

McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., Rosenberry, D.O., Glaser, P.H., Voss, C.I., 2007. Heat transport in the Red Lake Bog, Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Hydrological Processes, 21(3), 369-378.

McKenzie, J.M., Voss, C.I., Siegel, D.I., 2007. Groundwater flow with energy transport and water-ice phase change: Numerical simulations, benchmarks, and application to freezing in peat bogs, Advances in Water Resources, 30 (4), 966-983.

Mark, B., McKenzie, J.M., Gomez, J., 2005. Hydrochemical evaluation of changing meltwater contribution to stream discharge: Callejon de Huaylas, Peru, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50(6), 975-987.

Siegel, D.I., McKenzie, J.M., 2004. Contamination in Orangetown: A Mock Trial and Site Investigation Exercise, Journal of Geological Education, 52(3), 266-273.

McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., McKenzie, D.J., 2003. Response to comments on an article entitled ‘A geochemical survey of spring water from the main Ethiopian rift valley, southern Ethiopia: implications for well-head protection’ by McKenzie et al. in Hydrogeology Journal, 2001, 9,265-272, Hydrogeology Journal, 11, 316-317.

McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., Shotyk, W., Steinmann, P., Pfunder, G., 2002. Heuristic Numerical and Analytical Models of the Hydrologic Controls over Vertical Solute Transport in a Domed Peat Bog, Jura Mountains, Switzerland, Hydrologic Processes, 16, 1047-1064.

McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., Patterson, W., McKenzie, D.J., 2001. A Geochemical Survey of Spring Water from the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley, Southern Ethiopia: Implications for Well-Head Protection, Hydrogeology Journal, 9(3), 265-272.

Lackey, Rachel : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Assessing multiple techniques for geochemical characterization of urban sources of chloride to streams and groundwater
Petersen, Niklas : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Groundwater modelling in permafrost environments.
Stribling, Selsey : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Groundwater vulnerability in the North.
Valence, Eole : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Codirection : Michel Baraër
Wang, Kaiyuan : Maîtrise en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Hydrological changes in glacial valleys in southwestern Yukon