Anthony Williams-Jones


Genèse de gisements minéraux

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

anthony.williams-jones [at] (anthony[dot]williams-jones[at]mcgill[dot]ca)

My research is devoted mainly to understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral deposits through a combination of field-based, experimental and theoretical methods. Deposits investigated include porphyry Cu and Mo, pegmatite-, greisen- and vein-hosted Sn-W, epithermal/mesothermal Au-Ag, epithermal Sb and Hg, and granite/pegmatite- and carbonatite-hosted rare metals (REE, Li, Be, Zr, Y). An important objective of the research is to help improve exploration strategies for such deposits and, where possible, develop new exploration tools. The research focus concerns the understanding of physico-chemical controls of mineralization, and the starting point is the careful geological mapping of deposits, with emphasis on the relationships between alteration and mineralization. In addition to petrography, and mineral and whole-rock chemistry, fluid inclusion studies are an important component of laboratory research, and are supported by a facility equipped with heating/freezing and infrared stages for microthermometry, and a chromatographic system for measuring gas compositions. Experimental studies emphasise determinations of metal solubility and speciation in hydrothermal systems, and simulations of hydrothermal alteration. These studies are conducted in a laboratory equipped with conventional high temperature autoclaves and ovens, hydrothermal flow-through autoclaves, and a UV-visible spectrophotometer modified for high temperature spectroscopy. Theoretical research is divided between estimating conditions of ore/alteration mineral stabilities, and corresponding solubility and computer simulations of mineralization processes. Projects in progress include: investigations of the genesis of Archean gold deposits in high grade metamorphic rocks at Hemlo, Ontario (supported by CAMIRO), Troilus, Quebec (supported by Inmet), and Onaman, Ontario (supported by Cameco); experimental studies of the solubility of metals in aqueous vapours, and measurements of their partitioning between aqueous liquid and vapour; experimental investigations of the solubility of mercury and other metals in liquid alkanes; development of laser-ablation ICP-MS as a new micro-analytical tool for fluid inclusion analysis; a study of links between porphyry Cu and high-sulphidation epithermal Au mineralization at Pascua, Chile (supported by Barrick); reconstruction of the Sn mineralizing system at San Rafael, Peru (supported by Minsur), and of the geological and geochemical environment responsible for zinc skarn mineralization at El Mochito, Honduras (supported by Breakwater); experimental and computer simulations of serpentinization, and evaluation of controls on amphibole distribution (the main cause of mesothelioma) in chrysotile asbestos deposits (supported by JM Asbestos).

Wang, J. X., Williams-Jones, A. E., Zhang, X. N., Yuan, S. D., 2025. Are scandium sulfate complexes effective in mobilizing scandium? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Données / Data

Bodeving, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Swinden, S., 2017Carbonate–silicate melt immiscibility, REE mineralising fluids, and the evolution of the Lofdal Intrusive Suite, NamibiaLithos 268-271, 383-398.

Fitros, M., Tombros, S.F., Williams-Jones, A.E., Tsikouras, B., Koutsopoulou, E., Hatzipanagiotou, K., 2017Physicochemical controls on bismuth mineralization: An example from Moutoulas, Serifos Island, Cyclades, GreeceAmerican Mineralogist 102 (8), 1622-1631.

Fuchs, S.H.J., Schumann, D., Williams-Jones, A.E., Murray, A.J., Couillard, M., Lagarec, K., Phaneuf, M.W., Vali, H., 2017Gold and uranium concentration by interaction of immiscible fluids (hydrothermal and hydrocarbon) in the Carbon Leader Reef, Witwatersrand Supergroup, South AfricaPrecambrian Research 293, 39-55.

Migdisov, A.A., Guo, X., Xu, H., Williams-Jones, A.E., Sun, C.J., Vasyukova, O., Sugiyama, I., Fuchs, S., Pearce, K., Roback, R., 2017. Hydrocarbons as ore fluids. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 5, 47-52. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.1745

Möller, V., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2017Magmatic and Hydrothermal Controls on the Mineralogy of the Basal Zone, Nechalacho REE-Nb-Zr Deposit, CanadaEconomic Geology 112(8), 1823-1856.

Siegel, K., Williams-Jones, A.E., Stevenson, R., 2017A Nd- and O-isotope study of the REE-rich peralkaline Strange Lake granite: implications for Mesoproterozoic A-type magmatism in the Core Zone (NE-Canada)Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172 (7), art. no. 54

Siegel, K., Williams-Jones, A.E., van Hinsberg, V.J., 2017The amphiboles of the REE-rich A-type peralkaline Strange Lake pluton – fingerprints of magma evolutionLithos 288-289, 156-174.

Van Hinsberg, V., Vigouroux, N., Palmer, S., Berlo, K., Mauri, G., Williams-Jones, A., Mckenzie, J., Williams-Jones, G., Fischer, T., 2017Element flux to the environment of the passively degassing crater lake-hosting Kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia, and implications for estimates of the global volcanic fluxGeological Society of London Special Publication 437 (1), 9-34.

Fuchs, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Jackson, S.E., Przybylowicz, W.J., 2016Metal distribution in pyrobitumen of the Carbon Leader Reef, Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa: Evidence for liquid hydrocarbon ore fluidsChemical Geology 426, 45-59.

Fuchs, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Przybylowicz, W.J., 2016The origin of the gold and uranium ores of the Black Reef Formation, Transvaal supergroup, South AfricaOre Geology Reviews 72 (P1), 149-164.

Gysi, A.P., Harlov, D., Filho, D.C., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Experimental determination of the high temperature heat capacity of a natural xenotime-(Y) solid solution and synthetic DyPO4 and ErPO4 endmembersThermochimica Acta 627-629, 61-67.

Gysi, A.P., Williams-Jones, 2016Comment on “Synthesis of ceria (CeO2 and CeO2−x) nanoparticles via decarbonation and Ce(III) oxidation of synthetic bastnaesite (CeCO3F)” by Montes-Hernandez et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 183, 1-5.

Gysi, A.P., Williams-Jones, A.E., Collins, P., 2016. Lithogeochemical vectors for hydrothermal processes in the Strange Lake peralkaline granitic REE-Zr-Nb depositEconomic Geology 111 (5), 1241-1276.

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Compositions of hydrothermal silicates and carbonates as indicators of physicochemical conditions in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland. Geothermics 64, 15-27.

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Lithogeochemical approaches in geothermal system characterization: An application to the Reykjanes geothermal field, Iceland. Geothermics 64, 61-80.

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Relating sulfide mineral zonation and trace element chemistry to subsurface processes in the Reykjanes geothermal system, IcelandJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 310, 225-241.

Migdisov, A., Williams-Jones, A.E., Brugger, J., Caporuscio, F.A., 2016Hydrothermal transport, deposition, and fractionation of the REE: Experimental data and thermodynamic calculationsChemical Geology 439, 13-42. 

Möller, V., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016. Petrogenesis of the Nechalacho Layered Suite, Canada: Magmatic Evolution of a REE-Nb-rich Nepheline Syenite Intrusion. Journal of Petrology 57 (2), 229-276

Möller, V., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Stable and radiogenic isotope constraints on the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Nechalacho Layered Suite, northwest CanadaChemical Geology 440, 248-274.

Nadeau, O., Stix, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016Links between arc volcanoes and porphyry-epithermal ore depositsGeology, 44 (1) pp. 11-14.

Trofanenko, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., Simandl, G.J., Migdisov, A.A., 2016The nature and origin of the REE mineralization in the Wicheeda Carbonatite, British Columbia, CanadaEconomic Geology 111 (1), 199-223.

Van Hinsberg, V., Berlo, K., Migdisov, A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016. CO2-fluxing collapses metal mobility in magmatic vapour. Geochemical Perspective Letters 2, 169-177.

Vasyukova, O., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2016The evolution of immiscible silicate and fluoride melts: Implications for REE ore-genesisGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 172, 205-224.

Berryman, E.J., Williams-Jones, A.E., Migdisov, A.A., 2015Steel slag carbonation in a flow-through reactor system: The role of fluid-fluxJournal of Environmental Sciences 27 (C), 266-275. 

Estrade, G., Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2015The origin of skarn-hosted rare-metal mineralization in the Ambohimirahavavy alkaline complex, MadagascarEconomic Geology 110 (6), 1485-1513.

Gysi, A.P., Williams-Jones, A.E., Harlov, D., 2015The solubility of xenotime-(Y) and other HREE phosphates (DyPO4, ErPO4 and YbPO4) in aqueous solutions from 100 to 250°C and psatChemical Geology 401, 83-95. 

Hurtig, N.C., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2015Porphyry-epithermal Au-Ag-Mo ore formation by vapor-like fluids: New insights from geochemical modelingGeology 43 (7), 587-590.

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2015. Applications of downhole lithogeochemistry to geothermal exploration. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 39, 451-463.

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., Melosh., B.L., Backeberg, N.R., 2015Characterization of geothermal activity along the North American-Caribbean Plate boundary in Guatemala: The Joaquina geothermal fieldGeothermics 56, 17-34. 

Timofeev, A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2015The origin of niobium and tantalum mineralization in the nechalacho ree deposit, NWT, CanadaEconomic Geology 110 (7), 1719-1735.

Timofeev, A., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2015An experimental study of the solubility and speciation of niobium in fluoride-bearing aqueous solutions at elevated temperatureGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 158, 103-111. 

Tombros, S.F., Seymour, K.S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Zhai, D., Liu, J., 2015Origin of a barite-sulfide ore deposit in the Mykonos intrusion, cyclades: Trace element, isotopic, fluid inclusion and raman spectroscopy evidenceOre Geology Reviews 67 (1), 139-157. 

Berlo, K., van Hinsberg, V.J., Vigouroux, N., Gagnon, J.E. , Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014Sulfide breakdown controls metal signature in volcanic gas at Kawah Ijen volcano, IndonesiaChemical Geology, vol. 371, pp. 115-127. 

Fuchs, S., Przybylowicz, W.J., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014Elemental imaging of organic matter and associated metals in ore deposits using micro PIXE and micro-EBSNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 318, no. PART A, pp. 157-162.

Helt, K.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Clark, J.R., Wing, B.A., Wares, R.P. 2014, Constraints on the genesis of the archean oxidized, intrusion-related Canadian malartic gold deposit, Quebec, Canada, Economic Geology, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 713-735. 

Hurtig, N.C., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014An experimental study of the solubility of MoO3 in aqueous vapour and low to intermediate density supercritical fluidsGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 136, pp. 169-193.

Hurtig, N.C, Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014An experimental study of the transport of gold through hydration of AuCl in aqueous vapour and vapour-like fluidsGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 127, pp. 305-325. 

King J, Williams-Jones AE, van Hinsberg VJ, Williams-Jones G. 2014High-Sulfidation Epithermal Pyrite-Hosted Au (Ag-Cu) Ore Formation by Condensed Magmatic Vapors on Sangihe Island, IndonesiaEconomic Geology, vol. 109, no 6, pp. 1705-1733. 

Libbey, R.B., Williams-Jones, A.E., Melosh, B.L., Backeberg, N.R., 2014Geological and geochemical reconnaissance of a non-volcanic geothermal prospect in Guatemala-Joaquina geothermal fieldTransactions - Geothermal Resources Council 38, 381-389.

Migdisov, A.A., Bychkov, A., Williams-Jones, A.E., van Hinsberg, V.J. 2014A predictive model for the transport of copper by HCl-bearing water vapour in ore-forming magmatic-hydrothermal systems: Implications for copper porphyry ore formationGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 129, pp. 33-53.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014. Hydrothermal transport and deposition of the rare earth elements by fluorine-bearing aqueous liquidsMineralium Deposita 49, 987-997.

Petrella, L., Williams-Jones, A.E., Goutier, J., Walsh, J. 2014The nature and origin of the rare earth element mineralization in the misery syenitic intrusion, Northern Quebec, CanadaEconomic Geology, vol. 109, no. 6, pp. 1643-1666.

Vasyukova, O., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2014, Fluoride-silicate melt immiscibility and its role in REE ore formation: Evidence from the Strange Lake rare metal deposit, Québec-Labrador, Canada, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 139, pp. 110-130.

Gysi, A.P., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2013, Hydrothermal mobilization of pegmatite-hosted REE and Zr at Strange Lake, Canada: A reaction path model, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 122, pp. 324-352.

Libbey, R.B. Williams-Jones, A.E. 2013, Sulfide mineralization in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland - Potential applications for geothermal exploration, Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council, pp. 417.

Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Chakhmouradian, A.R. 2013, Geochemistry of the Rare-Earth Element, Nb, Ta, Hf, and Zr Deposits, In: Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Elsevier Science, p.543-568

Loges, A., Migdisov, A.A., Wagner, T., Williams-Jones, A.E. & Markl, G. 2013, An experimental study of the aqueous solubility and speciation of Y(III) fluoride at temperatures up to 250°C, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 123, pp. 403-415.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2013, A predictive model for metal transport of silver chloride by aqueous vapor in ore-forming magmatic-hydrothermal systems, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 104, pp. 123-135. 

Nadeau, O., Williams-Jones, A.E., Stix, J. 2013, Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution and devolatilization beneath Merapi volcano, Indonesia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 261, pp. 50-68. 

Nadeau, O., Stix, J., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2013, The behavior of Cu, Zn and Pb during magmatic-hydrothermal activity at Merapi volcano, Indonesia, Chemical Geology, vol. 342, pp. 167-179.   

Nekrasov, S.Y., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., Bychkov, A.Y. 2013, An experimental study of the solubility of Gallium(III) oxide in HCl-bearing water vapour, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 119, pp. 137-148.

Scher, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Williams-Jones, G. 2013, Fumarolic activity, acid-sulfate alteration, and high sulfidation epithermal precious metal mineralization in the crater of Kawah Ijen volcano, Java, Indonesia, Economic Geology, vol. 108, no. 5, pp. 1099-1118.

Seward, T.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Migdisov, A.A. 2013, The Chemistry of Metal Transport and Deposition by Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Fluids, In: Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition. Elsevier Science, p.29-57 

Vigouroux, N., Wallace, P.J., Williams-Jones, G., Kelley, K., Kent, A.J.R., Williams-Jones, A.E. 2012. The sources of volatile and fluid-mobile elements in the Sunda arc: A melt inclusion study from Kawah Ijen and Tambora volcanoes, Indonesia, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 13, no. 9.

Migdisov, A., Zezin, D., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2011. An experimental study of Cobalt (II) complexation in Cl- and H2S-bearing hydrothermal solutions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(14), 4065-4079.

Zezin, D.Y., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2011.The solubility of gold in H2O-H2S vapour at elevated temperature and pressure, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(18), 5140-5153.

Tombros, S., Seymour, K.S., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2010. Controls on tellurium in base, Precious, and telluride minerals in the Panormos Bay Ag-Au-Te deposits, Tinos Island, Cyclades, Greece, Economic Geology, 105(6), 1097-1111.

van Hinsberg, V.J., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2010. Reading the mineral record of fluid composition from element partitioning, Geology38(9), 847-850.

van Hinsberg, V., Berlo, K., Sumarti, S., van Bergen, M., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2010. Extreme alteration by hyperacidic brines at Kawah Ijen volcano, East Java, Indonesia: I, Textural and mineralogical imprint, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 198(1-2), 253-263.

van Hinsberg, V., Berlo, K., Sumarti, S., van Bergen, M., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2010. Extreme alteration by hyperacidic brines at Kawah Ijen volcano, East Java, Indonesia: II, Metasomatic imprint and element fluxes, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 196(3-4), 169-184.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2010. Comment on "The role of vapour in the transportation of tin in hydrothermal systems: Experimental and case study of the Dachang deposit, China" by Zhang et al., J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., 173 (2008), 313-324, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 194(1-3), 67-68.

Nadeau, O., Williams-Jones, A.E., Stix, J., 2010. Sulphide magma as a source of metals in arc-related magmatic hydrothermal ore fluids, Nature Geoscience, 3(7), 501-506.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I.M., Ault, K.M., Gagnon, J.E., Fryer, B.J., 2010. The genesis of distal zinc skarns: Evidence from the Mochito deposit, Honduras, Economic Geology, 105(8), 1411-1440

Migdisov, Art, A., Williams-Jones,  A.E., Wagner, T., 2009. An experimental study of the solubility and speciation of the Rare Earth Elements (III) in fluoride- and chloride-bearing aqueous solutions at temperatures up to 300 °C, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(23), 7087-7109.

Rempel,K.U., Williams-Jones, A.E., Migdisov, A.E., 2009. The partitioning of molybdenum(VI) between aqueous liquid and vapour at temperatures up to 370 °C, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (11), 3381-3392. 

Vigouroux, N., Williams-Jones, A.E., Wallace, P., Staudacher, T., 2009. The November 2002 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion: tracking the pre-eruptive thermal evolution of magma using melt inclusions, Bulletin of Volcanology, 71(9), 1077-1089.

Wagner, T., Mlynarczyk, M.S.J., Williams-Jones, A.E., Boyce, A.J., 2009. Stable isotope constraints on ore formation at the san rafael tin-copper deposit, Southeast Peru, Economic Geology, 104 (2), 223-248.

Gagnon J.E., Fryer, B.J., Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2008.  Quantitative analysis of silicate certified reference materials by LA-ICPMS with and without an internal standard, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 1529-1537.

Gilbert, C.D., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2008. Vapour transport of rare earth elements (REE) in volcanic gas: Evidence from encrustations at Oldoinyo Lengai, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 176(4), 519-528.

Heiligmann, M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Clark, J.R., 2008. The role of sulfate-sulfide-oxide-silicate equilibria in the metamorphism of hydrothermal alteration at the Hemlo gold deposit, Ontario, Economic Geology, 103(2), 335-351.

Migdisov, Art, A., Williams-Jones,  A.E., 2008. Response to the comment by J. Schijf and R.H. Byrne on "An experimental study of the solubility and speciation of neodymium (III) fluoride in F-bearing aqueous solutions", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(22), 5578-5579.

Migdisov, Art, A., Williams-Jones,  A.E., 2008. A spectrophotometric study of Nd(III), Sm(III) and Er(III) complexation in sulfate-bearing solutions at elevated temperatures, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(21), 5291-5301.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., Normand, C., Wood, S.A., 2008. A spectrophotometric study of samarium (III) speciation in chloride solutions at elevated temperatures, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 1611-1625.

Rempel, K.U., Williams-Jones, A.E., Migdisov, A.A., 2008. The solubility of molybdenum dioxide and trioxide in HCl-bearing water vapour at 350 °C and pressures up to 160 bars, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(13), 3074-3083.

Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Ault, K.M., Gagnon, J.E., Fryer, B.J., 2008. Source of fluids forming distal Zn-Pb-Ag skarns: Evidence from laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis of fluid inclusions from El Mochito, Honduras, Geology, 36 (12), 947-950.

Tombros, S.F., St. Seymour, K., Williams-Jones, A.E., Spry, P.G., 2008. Later stages of evolution of an epithermal system: Au-Ag mineralizations at Apigania Bay, Tinos Island, Cyclades, Hellas, Greece, Mineralogy and Petrology, 94(3-4), 175-194.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2007. An experimental study of the solubility and speciation of neodymium (III) fluoride in F-bearing aqueous solutions, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 71(12), 3056-3069. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0023.

Normand, C., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2007. Physicochemical conditions and timing of rodingite formation: evidence from rodingite-hosted fluid inclusions in the JM Asbestos mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Geochem. Trans., 8(11), doi:10.1186/1467-4866-8-11. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0037.

Olivo, G.R., Isnard, H., Williams-Jones, A.E., Gariépy, C., 2007. Pb isotope compositions of pyrite from the C quartz-tourmaline vein of the siscoe gold deposit, Val d'Or, Quebec: Constraints on the origin and age of the gold mineralization, Economic Geology, 102(1), 137-146, doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.102.1.137.

Tombros, S., St. Seymour, K., Williams-Jones, A.E., Spry, P.G., 2007. The genesis of epithermal Au-Ag-Te mineralization, Panormos Bay, Tinos Island, Cyclades, Greece, Economic Geology, 102(7), 1269-1294.

Zezin, D.Y., Migdisov, A.A, Williams-Jones, A.E., 2007. The solubility of gold in hydrogen sulfide gas: An experimental study, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71(12), 3070-3081. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0045.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones A.E., 2006. A spectrophotometric study of erbium (III) speciation in chloride solutions at elevated temperatures, Chemical Geology, 234, 17-27. GEOTOP publication n° 2006-0022.

Migdisov, A.A., Reukov, V.V.,Williams-Jones, A.E., 2006. A spectrophotometric study of neodymium (III) complexation in sulfate solutions at elevated temperatures, Geochemica and Cosmochemica Acta, 70, 983-992. GEOTOP publication n° 2006-0023.

Mlynarczyk, M.S.J., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2006. Zoned tourmaline associated with cassiteriteL implications for fluid evolution and tin mineralization in the San Rafael Sn-Cu deposit, Southeastern Peru, The Canadian Mineralogist, 44(2), 347-365. GEOTOP publication n°2006-0024.

Rempel, K.U., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2006. The solubility and speciation of molybdenum in water vapour at elevated temperatures and pressures: Implications for ore genesis, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(3), 687-696.

Salvi, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2006. Alteration, HFSE mineralization and hydrocarbon formation in peralkaline igneous systems: Insights from the Strange Lake Pluton, Canada, Lithos, 91, 19-34. GEOTOP publication n° 2006-0025.

Chi, G., Dubé, B., Williamson, K., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2005. Formation of the Campbell-Red Lake gold deposit by H2O-poor, CO2-dominated fluids, Mineralium Deposita, 40 (6-7), 726-741.

Chouinard, A., Paquette, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2005. Crystallographic controls on trace element incorporation in auriferous pyrite from the epithermal high-sulphidation Pascua deposit, Chile-Argentina, The Canadian Mineralogist, 43(3), 951-963.

Chouinard, A., Williams-Jones, A.E., Leonardson, R.W., Hodgson, C.J., Silva, P., Téllez, C., Vega, J., Rojas, F., 2005. Geology and genesis of the multistage high-sulfidation epithermal Pascua Au-Ag-Cu deposit, Chile and Argentina, Economic Geology, 100, 463-490.

Goodman, S., Williams-Jones, A.E., Carles, P., 2005. Structural controls on the Archean Troilus gold-copper deposit, Quebec, Canada, Economic Geology, 100, 577-582.

Miedaner, M.M., Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2005. Solubility of metallic mercury in octane, dodecane and toluene at temperatures between 100°C and 200°C, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (23), 5511-5516.

Migdisov, A.A., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2005. An experimental study of cassiterite solubility in HCl-bearing water vapor at temperatures up to 350°C. Implications for tin ore-formation, Chemical Geology, 217, 29-40.

Mlynarczyk, M.S., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2005.The role of collisional tectonics in the metallogeny of the Central Andean tin belt, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240 (3-4), 656-667.

Raymond, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., Clark J.R., 2005. Mineralization associated with scale and altered rock and pipe fragments from the Berlín geothermal field, El Salvador: implications for metal transport in natural systems, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 145, 81-96.

Tombros, S., St. Seymour, K., Spry, P.G., Williams-Jones, A., 2005.  Greenockite and zincian greenockite in epithermal polymetallic Ag-Au-Te mineralization, Tinos Island, Hellas: Description and conditions of formation, Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 182(1), 1-9. 

Wagner, T., Williams-Jones, A.E., Boyce, A., 2005. Stable isotope-based modeling of the origin and genesis of an unusual Au-Ag-Sn-W epithermal system at Cirotan, Indonesia, Chemical Geology, 219, 237-260.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Heinrich, C.A., 2005. 100th Anniversary Special Paper: Vapor transport of metals and the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits, Economic Geology, 100 (7), 1287-1312.

Ault, K.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2004. Sulfur and lead isotope study of the El Mochito Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, Economic Geology, 99,1223-1231.

Bao, Z.W., Zhao, Z.H., Guha, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2004. HFSE, REE, and PGE geochemistry of 3 sedimentary rock- hosted disseminated gold deposits in Southwestern Guizhou province, China, Geochemical Journal, 38(4), 363-381.

Gagnon, JE, Samson, IM, Fryer, B.J., Williams-Jones, A.E., 2004. The composition and origin of hydrothermal fluids in an NYF-type granitic pegmatite, South Platte District, Colorado: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluorite and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions, The Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1331-1355.

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Bodeving, Sarah : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Broda, Kiera : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Effect of hydrothermal alteration on magmatic sulfides in the Turnagain Ultramafic Deposit, British Columbia, Canada.
Collar, Robert : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Paramètres thermodynamiques pour la minéralisation de Co provenant de mesures calorimétrique et de solubilité.
Fung, Gary : Maîtrise en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : REE deposits at Kwyjibo deposits, Northern Quebec
Keenan, Vincent : Maîtrise en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Géochimie des processus d'altération au gisement d'or orogénique au nord-ouest de l'Abitibi (projet Fénélon)
King, Melanie : Maîtrise en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Martineau, David : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
McLeish, Duncan : Stage postdoctoral
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : on hyper-enrichment of gold at the Brucejack epithermal deposit, BC
Ng, Kevin : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Sujet de recherche : Genesis of a high grade gold-silver epithermal deposit in northern B.C. (Brucejack mine).
Slater, Evan : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Zheng, Hui : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill